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Teeth Whitening

At Local Orthodontics, we understand the impact a dazzling, white smile can have on your confidence and overall appearance. We proudly offer ZOOM Whitening, an advanced and effective solution for teeth whitening. Our commitment to quality and patient satisfaction ensures that you’ll achieve the stunning smile you desire with our ZOOM Whitening services.

What is ZOOM Whitening

ZOOM Whitening is a state-of-the-art, in-office teeth whitening procedure designed to brighten your teeth by several shades in a single session. This innovative technique utilizes a hydrogen peroxide-based whitening gel that is then activated by a special LED light. The result is a smile that is not only significantly whiter but also healthier and more attractive. ZOOM Whitening is proven to be safe, comfortable, and offers immediate, impressive results.

women smiling

Why Choose Teeth Whitening

When it comes to ZOOM Whitening, choosing the right provider is paramount. At Local Orthodontics, our patients trust us for a variety of reasons:

Expert Professionals

Our skilled orthodontists and staff are highly experienced in performing ZOOM Whitening and have successfully transformed the smiles of numerous satisfied patients.

Personalized Care

We believe in providing individualized, professional care, ensuring a comfortable and efficient ZOOM Whitening experience tailored to your unique needs.

The ZOOM Whitening Procedure

ZOOM Whitening at Local Orthodontics is a straightforward, three-step process designed for your comfort and convenience

Preparation: Your comfort and safety are our top priorities. We ensure that your lips and gums are adequately protected, leaving only your teeth exposed and ready for the ZOOM Whitening procedure. Whitening: Our highly skilled professionals apply the ZOOM Whitening gel to your teeth. This gel is then activated using the ZOOM LED light, a process that takes approximately 15 minutes. This activation step is repeated 2-4 times, depending on your desired level of whitening. Completion: To ensure the best results and minimize sensitivity, the treatment concludes with a fluoride treatment for your teeth. The ZOOM Whitening procedure is not only effective but also quick, typically lasting just 1-2 hours.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

ZOOM Whitening offers a multitude of benefits, making it a popular choice for achieving a brighter, more confident smile

Dramatic Whitening

With ZOOM Whitening, you can achieve teeth that are multiple shades whiter in just one session, giving you a noticeable and immediate transformation.

Quick Results

Say goodbye to waiting weeks for gradual results. ZOOM Whitening delivers instant gratification, allowing you to flaunt your brilliant smile right after the procedure.

Minimal Discomfort

Most patients experience little to no sensitivity during or after the ZOOM Whitening procedure, making it a comfortable choice for teeth whitening.

ZOOM Whitening Pricing

Our pricing for ZOOM Whitening at Local Orthodontics is both competitive and transparent. We offer a range of pricing options to accommodate your budget and preferences. To discuss pricing details and treatment plans, we encourage you to contact us for a consultation. Our team will work with you to develop a customized plan that meets your specific needs and goals.

adult smiles wearing his Inbrace invisible braces

Aftercare and Maintenance

Maintaining your newly whitened teeth is vital to preserving your radiant smile. Here are the essential steps to ensure lasting results:

Avoid Staining Foods

To protect the whiteness of your teeth, it's advisable to steer clear of highly pigmented foods and drinks, such as coffee, red wine, and dark berries.

Oral Hygiene

Continue to prioritize your oral hygiene routine. Regular brushing and flossing are essential for maintaining the health and whiteness of your teeth.

Regular Check-ups

Don't forget to schedule routine dental check-ups. These appointments help ensure that your radiant results last for an extended period.

Ready to transform your smile?

Schedule an appointment today and see the difference that Local Orthodontics can do for your smile!



ZOOM Whitening is a safe and proven teeth whitening procedure when administered by trained professionals. It is designed to minimize tooth sensitivity and ensure optimal results.

The ZOOM Whitening procedure typically takes about 1-2 hours, providing a quick and efficient way to achieve a brighter smile.

While some patients may experience mild sensitivity, it is generally temporary and can be managed effectively with the guidance of our expert team.

The longevity of ZOOM Whitening results can vary but generally lasts from 6 months to 2 years, depending on individual lifestyle and oral hygiene habits.

Most individuals are suitable candidates for ZOOM Whitening, particularly those with yellowing or stained teeth seeking to enhance their smile’s brightness.