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How long does Invisalign® take?

The short answer is—on average, Invisalign treatment time can take anywhere from 12 to 18 months to complete. You or your teen’s treatment length may be longer or shorter than the average, depending on a number of factors.

With Dr. Jewett, no two treatment plans are the same! Your treatment plan will be 100% personalized to you, based on your condition, your age and your treatment preferences.

How does Dr. Jewett determine Invisalign treatment time?

At your complimentary consultation, Dr. Jewett will perform a thorough exam. He’ll take diagnostic photos and x-rays and assess the position of your teeth and the alignment of your jaw bones to gain a full understanding of your current condition.

Based on his findings during your exam, Dr. Jewett will design your 100% personalized treatment plan and give you an estimated length of treatment. The reason the length is estimated, is because teeth can be unpredictable!

Your teeth may shift quicker than the average person, or slower than the average person. Your estimated treatment length may change as your treatment progresses to ensure beautiful results.

Factors that Affect Invisalign Treatment Time

There are a few factors that can affect your Invisalign duration. Some factors are in your control, and others are genetic.

Your Age
Children and teens may have a quicker Invisalign experience, because their teeth and jaw bones are still developing. This makes them more susceptible to modification. Orthodontic treatment in the younger years works with the natural development of the teeth and jaws.

The Severity of Your Condition
If you have a more severe case, your Invisalign treatment will take longer than someone who has a mild or moderate case. Your treatment plan may require added appliances or an extended Invisalign duration to achieve the best results.

Your Diligence in Wearing Your Invisalign Aligners
You’ll get what you put into your Invisalign treatment! That means if you’re wearing your aligners for fewer hours than the advised time each day (at least 20 to 22 hours), your treatment period will likely take longer than initially expected.

The best way to minimize your treatment time is to wear your Invisalign aligners as often as possible so they can do their job!

How long does Invisalign take to work?

You can start to notice results in as little as two weeks! These won’t be significant changes in most cases, but many patients start to see and feel the effects of their treatment relatively quickly. (Especially if they wear their aligners as instructed!)

After a few months, you’ll really start to notice some changes! It’s important to remember that you may sometimes think your condition is getting worse before it looks better. This is only the case with some patients, but your treatment may have to correct one condition and create the necessary space in your mouth before it can correct another condition.

Dr. Jewett will tell you everything you need to know about your Invisalign treatment at your first visit to our Johnson City office. At each of your check-in appointments, he’ll discuss your progress with you too and answer any questions you have!

Still have questions about how long Invisalign treatment takes?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions! We love to hear from you. We’re here to guide you through your treatment process, from your very first visit, to your last appointment.

If you’re looking for a top orthodontist in Johnson City, we’d love to meet you! Request a complimentary exam for you or your child today.